  • Chartering an EWMA Chapter

Chartering an EWMA Chapter

We choose to make it easy to open a new EWMA Chapter.
How many people does it take?
It takes one.  With the right one, they will grow.

Are you excited about the camaraderie that builds from people riding motorcycles together?  Would you like to form a group of like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts that becomes an extended family?
You can form an EWMA Chapter RIGHT NOW, and it is easy!  If you build it, they will come!
With our support, we are giving all our EWMA members the opportunity to build their own chapter or riding group.
What does it take to start a chapter?  One enthusiastic person to lead the charge!  The right ONE will bring the others and we don't want to stand in the way of your success.  Since there is only one, there is no treasury—yet!
When you're ready, we're ready.  Your District Director is empowered to assist you in opening your new chapter.  Together you embark on this new adventure together.
There is a Chapter Charter worksheet that you'll complete and send to your District Director.  With your help the Officers will be chosen.  As a new chapter you will have six (6) months to pay your charter fee.
Become familiar with the Vision, Mission, Motto, and Values of EWMA.  Visit the website  http://www.ewma-world.org/  and become familiar with the tools that are there for you and the community you are joining.  Read the position descriptions and the EWMA Handbook.  Follow the suggestions of your District Director and become familiar with the Region Director; they are there to help you succeed.
This is a simple process, and the "work" starts now so you'll be able to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts, great rides, many adventures, and build amazing memories.
Welcome to the Eagle Wings family and thank you for your leadership!

Contact EWMA Colorado District Director (director@ewma-colorado.org) to sign up!
Page last modified:  18-Apr-2023
Any questions or comments, contact Webmaster.